Название: |
Документов |
Серии |
Kensington Pub. Corp., New York |
1 |
Karl Muller Verlag, [б. м.] |
1 |
KALLIGRAM, Братислава |
1 |
John Wiley & Sons, New York |
86 |
John Knox Press, Atlanta |
1 |
Jane Nissen Books, London |
1 |
Jagiellonski Uniwersytet, Krakow |
1 |
J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia |
9 |
Israeli professional artists association, Tel Aviv |
1 |
Island Press, Washington |
32 |
ISI Press, Philadelphia |
1 |
Irwin: McGraw-Hill, Homewood: Boston: New York |
1 |
Irwin, Homewood |
117 |
IRMOS, Москва |
2 |
INTRADA, Москва |
2 |
InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove |
2 |
International Reading Ass., Newark |
1 |
Inter expert, Москва: Санкт-Петербург |
1 |
Instytut Zachodni, Poznan |
23 |
Instytut Studiow Politycznych PAN, Warszawa |
18 |
Instytut Historii Akademii Podlaskiej, Siedlce |
4 |
Institut Spraw Publicznych, Warszawa |
16 |
3 |
Inner Mongolia Culture Publishing House, |
1 |
Indiana University Press, Bloomington; Indianapolis |
5 |
Illinois University Press, Normal |
1 |
ICS Press, San Francisco |
1 |
I. B. Tauris & Co., London |
1 |
Hugo printing company, Прага |
1 |
Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston |
14 |
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Fort Worth |
2 |
Hoffman und Campe, Гамбург |
2 |
Henschelverlag Kunst und Gesellschaft, |
1 |
Henry Holt and Co., New York |
1 |
Heinemann, Oxford |
7 |
Healthcare Management Services, Willowbrook |
1 |
Harvard University Press, Cambridge |
155 |
Hartel Musikverlag, Лейпциг |
4 |
HarperPaperbacks, New York |
1 |
Harper Perennial, New York |
1 |
Harper Collins Publishers, New York |
3 |
Harper Collins Publishers, London |
2 |
Harper & Row Publishers, New York |
6 |
Harlequin Books, New York |
1 |
Harcourt, Brace International, Orlando |
14 |
Harcourt, Brace and Co., New York |
3 |
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, Orlando |
3 |
Hammond Inc., Marlewood |
1 |
Hackett Pub. Co., Indianapolis |
8 |
Gudas, Вильнюс |
1 |